In this article, we are going to learn how to consider which product or service we have at hand to present and in what form.
The Hialeah business community has a message every Tuesday to improve their business processes and results. It is a weekly column that offers concise information about how to be more profitable and productive in our companies. The column offers topics related to sales, productivity, business management, employee relations, and new business technologies, among others. HCCI provides you with a helpful weekly guide.
It is an integrated effort between the Marketing and Business Development areas which is offered free of charge as an additional support for our members and associates. These articles and notes can be taken to your company as well as talks, courses and training, which can contribute to the SUCCESS of your business and employees.
For more information please contact peter@hialeahchamber.org in Marketing, or businessdevelopment@hialeahchamber.org in Business Development.
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