Become a chamber member and know the new benefits we have for you.

Services and benefits
Services and benefits

Trustee membership
Trustee membership

Circle member
Circle member

Member services
and benefits
- Business Marketing Seminars and Webinars.
- Free assistance for loan procurement.
- Certificate of origin certification at discounted price.
- Representation and assistance dealing with official government agencies.
- Membership certificate for display.
- Letters of recommendation / Referrals.
- Orientation regarding small business administration.
- Social Interaction with other business representatives: Monthly Members Business Happy Hour, Bi-monthly Lunch, Monthly Networking Breakfast, Discounts on the New “Leah Magazine”.
- Participation In activities and yearly events.
- Chamber Member Directory on our Website.
- Assistance in set up of a Startup Web Page.
- Annual nomination of outstanding members.
- Exhibits of members’ products.
- Chance to serve on our committees.
- Right to participate with chamber’s official to other countries or business missions.

HCCI trustee
Trustees Members will receive all benefits from our standard members plus the additional benefits:
- Company will receive highlight on the New Leah Magazine.
- Company will have discount on advertising in “Leah Magazine”.
- Company will have 9 individual memberships.
- Company employees can attend HCCI events at members rates.
- Company will have access to 1 HCCI email blast per month.
- Company will be recognized at all HCCI events and Radio Shows as a Trustee.
- Company will have access to participate with the Chairman on VIP.
- Business and Community Events

circle member
Chairman’s Circle Members will receive all benefits from our standard members plus the additional benefits:
- Company will receive a distinguished member recognition on the New “Leah Magazine”.
- Company will have discount on advertising the New “Leah Magazine”.
- Company will have 3 Trustees designess.
- Company will have 15 individual memberships.
- Company employees can attend HCCI events at members rates.
- Company will have access to 2 HCCI email blast per month.
- Company will be recognized at all HCCI events and Radio Shows as a Trustee.
- Company will have preferred choice of seat/table at all HCCI events.
- Company will have access to participate with the Chairman on VIP Business and Community Events.

Memberships General Business Pricing by Number Of Employees
1 – 5 Employees
6 – 20 Employees
21 – 100 Employees
101 – 300 Employees
301 & UP
Non profit organization